Red & Yellow creative thinking

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Shaping well-rounded professionals

image We’ll teach you to be a specialist in your field with the ability to manage the bigger business picture. All our programmes include elements from the four faculties we believe are crucial in preparing you for a successful career in the 21st Century


To produce great managers and leaders with the commercial logic to build great organisations and the creative magic to set them apart. We provide all the tools they need to understand both small and large organisations, and how they can affect positive change within them both locally and globally.


To produce business savvy marketing professionals who deeply understand people, are rampant innovators and are able to bring the latest trends in communications technology to their brand’s marketing mix.


To produce professionals who have a deep understanding of human behaviour and are able to use this skill to both control themselves as individuals and influence the world around them, from the people they lead to the customers they serve.


To produce smart, logical, customer focused creative talent. We train the important skills of graphic design, art direction, copywriting, photography. Importantly in a digital world, we teach content creation, user experience design, software engineering and web development.

Join our dynamic team of educators.

Want to join us in preparing students for the dynamic changes in this 21st Century world?
Have the academic qualifications and burning drive to change the world - through education? Tell us

Meet the Lecturers



Head of Academics
Someone said the road to excellence is always under construction. If that's true then I'm determined to keep on building. Excellence in course design, excellence within our lecturing team, cultivating excellence within our student body... it's probably my favorite word! And of course "be excellent to each other" (Thanks, Bill and Ted).



Head of Department: Management Studies
Prof Simpson has a BSc in Psychology and an MBA and PhD in Consumer Behaviour. He is an Emeritus Professor and comes with an impressive pedigree of Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Director of the Graduate School of Business, and Head of the School of Management Studies at UCT; as well as the founding Director of the prestigious UCT Unilever Institute of Strategic Management.



Head of Department: Marketing | Senior Lecturer (Marketing & Advertising Communications)
Passion and purpose are what drives me. And people. And being curious. And this place. I seriously love this place! And every day, I get to use what I’ve learnt in nearly 20 years in the industry and share it with some incredible students.



Senior Lecturer: Digital Design
If it runs on electricity, I can help. I have had an interesting career, I've worked in art, music, design, theatre, dance (not actually dancing), jewellery... I love taking on complex problems that require divergent thinking.



Senior Lecturer: Visual Studies Having taught at tertiary institutions for many years, I encourage students to apply conceptual and critical design thinking to theoretical subjects, to always be conscious of the inter-relationship between theory and practice, and to make use of this overlap in all they do.



Lecturer: Digital Design & Digital Skills
I believe the student should learn, in the broader context of visual communication,  the responsibility that comes with the power to influence the public and to choose to promote South Africa and its ideals first and foremost. Digital Design kinda allows the student to keep up with the ever-shifting brink of new technological development. Each moment of enlightenment experienced by the student is a big plus for me.



Lecturer:Graphic Design
With 27 years industry and almost 3 years of tertiary teaching experience, I believe that the recipe for creative success is to always be a sponge. I love sharing my (sometimes annoyingly optimistic) passion for design with my students. I love typography, simplicity, great concepts, reading, Jiu-Jitsu, and the stillness behind the surf break.



Lecturer: Illustration
"I have been lecturing for 8 years and am a practising illustrator and storyteller - I let this feed into my lectures and reviews with my students. My mantra for my students is Play until something happens as I encourage them to make mistakes, take chances and experiment. When I'm not lecturing, I like to be drawing on the couch with my cat and my husband, watching crime documentaries."



Lecturer: Art Direction
I believe in teaching for change – I believe that passion, curiosity & creative thinking are what helps us thrive in an ever-changing environment. For me teaching is a two-way street. I learn as much from my students as I teach. As a creative person I have always liked wearing many hats; painter, illustrator, designer, art director, stylist, potter and lecturer.



Lecturer: Photography
As a firm believer in lifelong learning, she holds numerous qualifications (B.A Fine Arts Degree, Post Graduate Certificate in Education Visual Art and Theory, Post Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies) and has most recently been invited to conduct a seminar on her work at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, US. Nobukho is passionate about the transfer of knowledge as well as educating individuals from a disadvantaged background.



Part-time Visual Studies Lecturer
I am currently an MA candidate studying Theatre and Performance at UCT but have worked, researched and created in a range of fields including film, theatre, urban design and visual studies. With six years experience in lecturing and tutoring at tertiary institutes my focus is in the inter-disciplinary spaces that encourage flexible, creative and critical problem solving and creation.



Lecturer: Copywriting
After finishing honours degrees in literature and copywriting, I worked on perfecting my handwriting for 15 years while trying to figure out what this thing called advertising is all about. I encourage students to question everything and write with reckless abandon. Tennis, film, drawing, and the names for different shades of red-brown ochre excite me.



Lecturer: Commerce
I am passionate about education and working with student's from all walks of life. My qualifications include A Bachelor's Degree in Geography and Environmental Management this is where my passion for the environment and sustainable practices grew. I also hold a Bachelor of Commerce Honors Degree in Business Management, a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education and lastly a Post-Graduate Diploma in Finance, Banking and Investment Management.



Lecturer: Marketing
21 years in advertising and still loving every minute of this dynamic industry! Having specialised in media planning, I’ve been pulled into everything from banking to babycare, cosmetics to canned food, government to garages. It all started with a fascination with people, being a balanced extro-introvert, classic Librian and analytical thinker, I was drawn to studying psychology and sociology after school. These majors laid the foundation for statistical, research and data processing skills, that have been invaluable in the advertising sphere.



Lecturer: Commerce
I am passionate about what branding can do for business and customers and figuring out how to cut through the clutter and truly connect to offer real value in people’s lives. With over 25 years in the industry it is important to me to bring my learnings to the classroom and encourage a dynamic environment where we all learn from each other.



Lecturer: Creating Digital Content
I am passionate about digital content and the opportunities it provides for many diverse communities around the world. My background in composition and avid gaming lifestyle provides a blend of analytical thinking and creativity that can be transferred to all future innovators.



Lecturer: Marketing
I have been lecturing in tertiary education for almost 5 years and I continue to enjoy our lovely world. My Masters (Marketing) deepened my belief in the magic of understanding the people we share the world with. Marketing lets us do that from many angles and I keep being fascinated by it, hence my continued pursuit of education in this field.

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